Public Attributes

Wix::Extensions::SystemTools::ScheduleExecute Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Attributes

string Id
string Directory
string CommandLine
string ErrorMessage
integer ReturnCode
YesNoType ContinueOnError
YesNoType ExecuteOnInstall
YesNoType ExecuteOnUnInstall
YesNoType ExecuteOnRollback

Detailed Description

May be nested under Component. To manually schedule an Execute action, use ScheduleExecute. This creates a custom action invoking Win32_Execute_Deferred with the ID of the ScheduleExecute declaration. Explicit options, including ExecuteOnInstall and ExecuteOnUnInstall still apply and ScheduleExecute may also be nested under a component to inherit the component's condition.

<AppSecInc:ScheduleExecute Id="Scheduled_copy" CommandLine="cmd.exe /C copy Source.txt Target.txt" ExecuteOnInstall="yes" />
<AppSecInc:ScheduleExecute Id="Scheduled_delete" CommandLine="cmd.exe /C del Target.txt" ExecuteOnUnInstall="yes" />
<AppSecInc:ScheduleExecute Id="Scheduled_rollback" CommandLine="cmd.exe /C del Target.txt" ExecuteOnRollback="yes" />
<Custom Action="Scheduled_copy" After="InstallFiles">NOT Installed</Custom>
<Custom Action="Scheduled_delete" After="InstallFiles">Installed</Custom>
<Custom Action="Scheduled_rollback" After="InstallFiles">NOT Installed</Custom>

Member Data Documentation

Command-line to execute.

Continue on error.

Optional directory in which to execute the command.

Optional error message to display instead of a raw error.

Execute command at install time.

Execute command at rollback time.

Execute command at uninstall time.

Identifier for the execute statement (primary key).

Optional return code that indicates success of the process, defaults to zero.

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