DSN Creation Tool

DSN.exe exposes functionality of the ConfigDataSource, ConfigDataSource_Access and ConfigDataSource_SQLServer immediate custom actions.

dsn {--system|--user} --driver <driver> [--nologo] [--] [--version]
[-h] <operation> <name=value> ...
(OR required) Create a system DSN
-- OR --
(OR required) Create a user DSN
(required) Database driver, eg. "SQL Server"
Suppress logo, raw output only.
--, --ignore_rest
Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
Displays version information and exits.
-h, --help
Displays usage information and exits.
(required) Operation to perform: "add", "configure" or "remove".
<name=value> (accepted multiple times)
(required) DSN parameters, eg. Server=localhost

Creating a user DSN.

$ DSN.exe --user add --driver "SQL Server" DSN=Test Server=localhost "Description=Test DSN" Database=master Trusted_Connection=yes
DSN 1.0.2291.0 - Copyright (c) Application Security Inc. 2008
Adding "SQL Server" DSN
DSN=Test;Server=localhost;Description=Test DSN;Database=master;Trusted_Connection=yes

Deleting the user DSN.

$ DSN.exe --user remove --driver "SQL Server" DSN=Test
DSN 1.0.2291.0 - Copyright (c) Application Security Inc. 2008
Removing "SQL Server" DSN

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