
The Win32EventLogAppender.dll can be built either with Microsoft Visual C or GCC using MinGW on UN*X or Windows.

To build on Windows with GCC download MinGW.

The ant build.xml script is designed to be run via Maven and the maven-ant-run-plugin associated to the compile goal.

The default build environment is driven by Maven profiles that are activated by the os family attribute. In windows environments it defaults to Visual C++ and in Linux/Un*x it defaults to GCC MinGW32.

Building in Windows

Building with MS Visual C

Execute the appropriate vcvars[32 | 64 | all] or launch a developer command line. See this for more on Visual C command line.

To build use your IDE or run mvn clean compile or any goal that will include compile like deploy or package.

Building with MinGW and gcc

Install MinGW and add <min-gw-home>\bin to your PATH variable.

To build configure your IDE to launch Maven with the ‘mwbuild’ profile, or run mvn clean compile -P mwbuild or any goal that will include compile like deploy or package.

Building in Linux/Un*x

Building with MinGW and gcc

Install MinGW32 and add <min-gw-home>\bin' to yourPATH` variable.

To build use your IDE or run mvn clean compile or any goal that will include compile like deploy or package.

Building with Visual C

NOTE: We do not support nor have tested building this option

Theoretically you should be able to do this with mono. Configure mono and install Visual C tools.

To build configure your IDE to launch Maven with the ‘msbuild’ profile, or run mvn clean compile -P msbuild or any goal that will include compile like deploy or package.