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Function Documentation
CA_API UINT __stdcall ConfigDataSource_SQLServer |
( |
hInstall | ) |
Create a Microsoft MSSQL DSN using Microsoft MSSQL Driver (*.MDB)
See http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms811006.aspx for specific parameters.
- Parameters:
DSN_NAME | Name for the new DSN. |
DSN_MSSQL_SERVER | The name or label for the connection entry. |
DSN_MSSQL_NETWORK | The name of the Net-Library module to use, in capital letters, without the .dll suffix (for example, DBMSSOCN, not dbmssocn.dll). |
DSN_MSSQL_ADDRESS | The network address of the Windows NT server running SQL Server. |
DSN_MSSQL_DATABASE | The default database for the ODBC data source. |
DSN_MSSQL_TRUSTED_CONNECTION | Specifies whether the data source should use trusted connections when connecting to SQL Server. |
ODBC_FLAG | ODBC flag for SQLConfigDataSource, one of the following:
- ODBC_ADD_DSN: create a user DSN
- ODBC_CONFIG_DSN: configure a user DSN
- ODBC_REMOVE_DSN: remove a user DSN
- ODBC_ADD_SYS_DSN: create a system DSN
- ODBC_CONFIG_SYS_DSN: configure a system DSN
- ODBC_REMOVE_SYS_DSN: remove a system DSN
- ODBC_REMOVE_DEFAULT_DSN: remove the default DSN
- Note:
- If ADDRESS is present, it is always used as the network address for the connection. If ADDRESS is not present, then SERVER is used as the network address for the connection.
- Todo:
- The following parameters are not implemented:
- LANGUAGE The default national language to use.
- OEMTOANSI Specifies whether to convert extended characters to OEM values.
- TRANSLATIONDLL The name of the ODBC translation DLL to use with the data source.
- TRANSLATIONNAME The name of the translator to use with the data source.
- TRANSLATIONOPTION Specifies whether translation should be done on the data going to SQL Server.
- USEPROCFORPREPARE Specifies whether the driver generates stored procedures to support the ODBC SQLPrepare function.
- QuotedID Specifies whether the driver should issue a SET QUOTED IDENTIFIERS ON option when connecting to a SQL Server version 6.0 or later database.
- AnsiNPW Specifies whether the driver should SET ON the ANSI_NULLS, ANSI_PADDING, and ANSI_WARNINGS options when connecting to a SQL Server version 6.5 or later database.
- QueryLogFile Specifies the file name the driver should use to log long-running queries.
- QueryLog_ON Specifies whether the data source should do query profiling.
- QueryLogTime Specifies the interval for long-running queries.
- StatsLogFile Specifies the file name the driver should use to log long performance statistics.
- StatsLog_On Specifies whether the data source should log performance statistics.
CA_API UINT __stdcall CreateDatabases_SQLServer_Deferred |
( |
hInstall | ) |
CA_API UINT __stdcall CreateDatabases_SQLServer_Immediate |
( |
hInstall | ) |
CA_API UINT __stdcall DataFile_SQLServer_Deferred |
( |
hInstall | ) |
CA_API UINT __stdcall DataFile_SQLServer_Immediate |
( |
hInstall | ) |