Public Attributes

Wix::Extensions::SystemTools::CompareVersion Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Attributes

string Id
string InstalledVersion
string MinimumVersion
string MaximumVersion
string Property

Detailed Description

May be nested under Product, Module, Fragment. The extension provides a simple method of correctly comparing two versions in dotted form. It sets a property if the version is between the minimum and maximum versions.

The following example uses a registry search to get the version of an installed program, then uses SystemTools::CompareVersion to check that a suitable version is installed.
<Wix ... xmlns:AppSecIncSystemTools="">
<Product ...>
 <Property Id="PROGRAM_VERSION">
   <RegistrySearch Id='RegistrySearchProgramVer' Type='raw'
     Name='DisplayVersion' />

 <AppSecIncSystemTools:CompareVersion Id="checkVersion" InstalledVersion="[PROGRAM_VERSION]" MinimumVersion="3.9" Property="ProgramVersionCorrect" />
 <Condition Message="Incorrect version!">
   ProgramVersionCorrect OR Installed

Member Data Documentation

Identifier for the version compare (primary key).

The version to be checked

The maximum version.

The minimum version.

The property to be set if the installed version lies between the minimum and maximum versions.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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