SqlDMO.cpp File Reference
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "ConfigDataSource.h"
#include "SqlServer.h"
#include <initguid.h>
#include <sqldmo.h>
#include <sqldmoid.h>


CA_API UINT __stdcall SQLDMO_ListAvailableSQLServers (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
 Enumerate available SQL servers using Data Management Objects (DMO). More...

Function Documentation

CA_API UINT __stdcall SQLDMO_ListAvailableSQLServers ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)

Enumerate available SQL servers using Data Management Objects (DMO).

SQLDMO_LIST_TYPEList type to populate with data.
SQLDMO_LIST_PROPERTYThe property associated with the list.
SQLDMO_LIST_INDEXOptional index to start adding items at, default is 2 (assumes one item in the list already).
SQLDMO_LIST_LOCALOptional name to skip, eg. useful for local servers with "(local)".

This function populates an MSI list attached to a property SQLDMO_LIST_PROPERTY and of type SQLDMO_LIST_TYPE, beginning with index SQLDMO_LIST_INDEX (default is 2, assuming there's one item). It executes SELECT * FROM [SQLDMO_LIST_TYPE] WHERE Property=[SQLDMO_LIST_PROPERTY] to locate the target.

See for details about retreiving SQL servers with DMO.

This custom action can be used in combination with a combo box. Call the CA in the InstallUISequence.

<CustomAction Id="SetSqlDmoListLocal" Property="SQLDMO_LIST_LOCAL" Value="(local)" Execute="immediate" />
<CustomAction Id="SetSqlDmoListIndex" Property="SQLDMO_LIST_INDEX" Value="2" Execute="immediate" />
<CustomAction Id="SetSqlDmoListProperty" Property="SQLDMO_LIST_PROPERTY" Value="DATABASE_SERVER" Execute="immediate" />
<CustomAction Id="SetSqlDmoListType" Property="SQLDMO_LIST_TYPE" Value="ComboBox" Execute="immediate" />
<Custom Action="SetSqlDmoListProperty" After="CostInitialize" />
<Custom Action="SetSqlDmoListType" After="SetSqlDmoListProperty" />
<Custom Action="SetSqlDmoListIndex" After="SetSqlDmoListType" />
<Custom Action="SetSqlDmoListLocal" After="SetSqlDmoListIndex" />
<Custom Action="SQLDMO_ListAvailableSQLServers" After="SetSqlDmoListType">NOT Installed</Custom>

Use a ComboBox control in the UI.

<Control Id="Server" Type="ComboBox" X="30" Y="65" Width="200" Height="18" Property="DATABASE_SERVER">
<ComboBox Property="DATABASE_SERVER">
<ListItem Text="(local)" Value="(local)" />

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