Enumerations | Functions
Win32Impl.h File Reference

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CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_CopyFile (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
 Copy a file. More...
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_MoveFile (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
 Move a file. More...
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_DeleteFile (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
 Delete a file. More...
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_CreateDirectory (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
 Create a directory. More...
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_DeleteDirectory (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
 Delete a directory with all subdirectories and files. More...
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_CopyFiles_Immediate (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
 Copy files. This is a table-driven custom action. Use in combination with AppSecInc.Wix.Extensions.SystemToolsExtension. More...
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_CopyFiles_Deferred (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_MoveFiles_Immediate (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
 Move files. This is a table-driven custom action. Use in combination with AppSecInc.Wix.Extensions.SystemToolsExtension. More...
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_MoveFiles_Deferred (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_DeleteFiles_Immediate (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
 Delete files. This is a table-driven custom action. Use in combination with AppSecInc.Wix.Extensions.SystemToolsExtension. More...
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_DeleteFiles_Deferred (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_Execute_Immediate (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
 Execute commands (immediate). This is a table-driven custom action. Use in combination with AppSecInc.Wix.Extensions.SystemToolsExtension. More...
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_Execute_Deferred (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
 Execute commands (deferred). This is a table-driven custom action. Use in combination with AppSecInc.Wix.Extensions.SystemToolsExtension. More...
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_Execute_Rollback (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
 Execute commands (rollback). This is a table-driven custom action. Use in combination with AppSecInc.Wix.Extensions.SystemToolsExtension. More...
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_GetFileSize (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
 Get the size of a file. More...
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_FileExists (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
 Check if file exists. More...
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_GetParentDirectory (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
 Get the parent directory. More...
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_ReadFile (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
 Read contents of an ANSI file into a property. More...
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_WriteFile (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
 Write to an ANSI text file. More...
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_GetSpecialFolderPath (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
 Retrieves the path of a special folder, identified by its CSIDL. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation


Function Documentation

CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_CopyFile ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)

Copy a file.

WIN32_SOURCE_FILENAMEFully qualified path to the file to copy.
WIN32_TARGET_FILENAMEFully qualified path to the target file.
WIN32_TARGET_OVERWRITEOne of "yes", "no", "error".

Unlike wix built-in custom actions the files copied with Win32_CopyFile are not tracked by MSI. Use Win32_CopyFile to copy a configuration file that will be preserved on uninstall for example.

CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_CopyFiles_Deferred ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_CopyFiles_Immediate ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)

Copy files. This is a table-driven custom action. Use in combination with AppSecInc.Wix.Extensions.SystemToolsExtension.

CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_CreateDirectory ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)

Create a directory.

WIN32_PATHFully qualified path to the directory to create; may contain several levels of directories to make.
WIN32_PATH_CREATED Fully qualified path that has been created first; this is the top level directory that didn't exist.
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_DeleteDirectory ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)

Delete a directory with all subdirectories and files.

WIN32_PATHFully qualified path to the directory to delete.
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_DeleteFile ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)

Delete a file.

WIN32_FILENAMEFully qualified path to the file to delete.

Unlike Wix FileCopy the files deleted by Win32_DeleteFile are not tracked by MSI. Do not delete a file that belongs to a component.

CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_DeleteFiles_Deferred ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_DeleteFiles_Immediate ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)

Delete files. This is a table-driven custom action. Use in combination with AppSecInc.Wix.Extensions.SystemToolsExtension.

CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_Execute_Deferred ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)

Execute commands (deferred). This is a table-driven custom action. Use in combination with AppSecInc.Wix.Extensions.SystemToolsExtension.

CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_Execute_Immediate ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)

Execute commands (immediate). This is a table-driven custom action. Use in combination with AppSecInc.Wix.Extensions.SystemToolsExtension.

CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_Execute_Rollback ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)

Execute commands (rollback). This is a table-driven custom action. Use in combination with AppSecInc.Wix.Extensions.SystemToolsExtension.

CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_FileExists ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)

Check if file exists.

WIN32_FILENAMEFully qualified path to the file to check
WIN32_FILE_EXISTS "1" if file exists; "0" otherwise.
<CustomAction Id="Win32_FileExists_SetFilename" Property="WIN32_FILENAME" Value="[SystemFolder]\shell32.dll" />
<CustomAction Id="Win32_FileExists" DllEntry="Win32_FileSize" BinaryKey="SystemTools" />
<CustomAction Id="GetSizeIfExists" DllEntry="Win32_FileSize" BinaryKey="SystemTools" />
<Custom Action="Win32_FileExists_SetFilename" After="AppSearch">1</Custom>
<Custom Action="Win32_FileExists" After="Win32_GetFileSize_SetFilename">1</Custom>
<Custom Action="GetSizeIfExists" After="Win32_FileExists" >WIN32_FILE_EXISTS = "1"</Custom>
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_GetFileSize ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)

Get the size of a file.

WIN32_FILENAMEFully qualified path to the file to get the size of.
WIN32_FILESIZE_FORMATFile size format, "AUTO" (default) for automatic, "BYTES", "KB", "MB" or "GB".
WIN32_FILESIZE_PRECISIONNumber of decimal digits in the result, default is 0. Results are rounded to the number of decimal digits specified.
WIN32_FILESIZE String representing the size of the file, numbers only, without type (eg. 1.23)
WIN32_FILESIZE_FORMATTED String representing the size of the file, numbers and type only (eg. 1.23 GB).
WIN32_FILESIZE_BYTES String representing the size of the file in bytes, numbers only (eg. 12300000000).
<CustomAction Id="Win32_GetFileSize_SetFilename" Property="WIN32_FILENAME" Value="[SystemFolder]\shell32.dll" />
<CustomAction Id="Win32_GetFileSize_SetFormat" Property="WIN32_FILESIZE_FORMAT" Value="MB" />
<CustomAction Id="Win32_GetFileSize_SetPrecision" Property="WIN32_FILESIZE_PRECISION" Value="2" />
<CustomAction Id="Win32_FileSize" Property="SHELL32FILE_SIZE" Value="[WIN32_FILESIZE_FORMATTED]" />
<Custom Action="Win32_GetFileSize_SetFilename" After="AppSearch">1</Custom>
<Custom Action="Win32_GetFileSize_SetFormat" After="Win32_GetFileSize_SetFilename">1</Custom>
<Custom Action="Win32_GetFileSize_SetPrecision" After="Win32_GetFileSize_SetFormat">1</Custom>
<Custom Action="Win32_GetFileSize" After="Win32_GetFileSize_SetPrecision">1</Custom>
<Custom Action="Win32_FileSize" After="Win32_GetFileSize" />
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_GetParentDirectory ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)

Get the parent directory.

WIN32_DIRECTORYFully qualified path to a directory
WIN32_PARENT_DIRECTORY Fully qualified path to the parent directory terminated with a backslash

The value returned is either blank or always terminated with a backslash. If the directory doesn't have a parent (eg. C:), the same directory is returned. If the directory is blank, a blank value is returned.

CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_GetSpecialFolderPath ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)

Retrieves the path of a special folder, identified by its CSIDL.

WIN32_FOLDER_CSIDLA CSIDL that identifies the folder of interest, such as CSIDL_APPDATA.
WIN32_FOLDER_CREATESet to "1" to indicate whether the folder should be created if it does not already exist.
WIN32_SPECIAL_FOLDER Fully qualified path to the special folder.
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_MoveFile ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)

Move a file.

WIN32_SOURCE_FILENAMEFully qualified path to the file to move.
WIN32_TARGET_FILENAMEFully qualified path to the target file.
WIN32_TARGET_OVERWRITEOne of "yes", "no", "error".

Unlike wix built-in custom actions the files being moved with Win32_MoveFile are not tracked by MSI. Do not use Win32_MoveFile to copy a file that belongs to a component.

CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_MoveFiles_Deferred ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)
CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_MoveFiles_Immediate ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)

Move files. This is a table-driven custom action. Use in combination with AppSecInc.Wix.Extensions.SystemToolsExtension.

CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_ReadFile ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)

Read contents of an ANSI file into a property.

WIN32_FILE_NAMEFully qualified path to the target file.
WIN32_FILE_DATA Data in the file.

If the file is in the UTF-8 format, the data is converted to UNICODE.

CA_API UINT __stdcall Win32_WriteFile ( MSIHANDLE  hInstall)

Write to an ANSI text file.

WIN32_FILE_DATAData to write to a file.
WIN32_FILE_NAMEFully qualified path to the target file.
WIN32_FILE_ENCODINGSet to "UTF-8" to write a file in the UTF-8 format, "ANSI" to write the file in the ANSI format. Default is ANSI.

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