Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstyle 6.1.1 with config/sun_checks.xml ruleset. rss feed


Files  Info  Warnings  Errors
9 0 0 227


Category Rule Violations Severity
coding HiddenField 4  Error
design DesignForExtension 55  Error
javadoc JavadocStyle 3  Error
regexp RegexpSingleline
  • message: "Line has trailing spaces."
  • format: "\s+$"
34  Error
sizes LineLength 119  Error
whitespace FileTabCharacter
  • eachLine: "true"
12  Error



Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 15
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 84). 33
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 84). 34
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 37
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 38
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 118). 40
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 43
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 101). 44
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 45
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 106). 48
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 49
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 104). 51
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 87). 52
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 53
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 97). 55
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 98). 56
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 57
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 88). 59
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 96). 60
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 63
 Error whitespace FileTabCharacter Line contains a tab character. 67
 Error whitespace FileTabCharacter Line contains a tab character. 68
 Error whitespace FileTabCharacter Line contains a tab character. 69
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 89). 70
 Error whitespace FileTabCharacter Line contains a tab character. 70
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 85). 71
 Error whitespace FileTabCharacter Line contains a tab character. 71
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 99). 72
 Error whitespace FileTabCharacter Line contains a tab character. 72
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 99). 73
 Error whitespace FileTabCharacter Line contains a tab character. 73
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). 74
 Error whitespace FileTabCharacter Line contains a tab character. 74
 Error whitespace FileTabCharacter Line contains a tab character. 75
 Error whitespace FileTabCharacter Line contains a tab character. 76
 Error whitespace FileTabCharacter Line contains a tab character. 77
 Error javadoc JavadocStyle Extra HTML tag found: </property> 77
 Error whitespace FileTabCharacter Line contains a tab character. 78
 Error javadoc JavadocStyle Extra HTML tag found: </bean> 78
 Error javadoc JavadocStyle Extra HTML tag found: </code> 79
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 84
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 105). 86
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 90
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 93
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 96
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getAccessDeniedHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 105
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 87). 115
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setAccessDeniedHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 115
 Error coding HiddenField 'accessDeniedHandler' hides a field. 115
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getAuthenticationFailureHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 124
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 114). 134
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setAuthenticationFailureHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 134
 Error coding HiddenField 'authenticationFailureHandler' hides a field. 134
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 105). 143
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 196). 147
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setAuthentication' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 149
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 109). 150
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 116). 155
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 91). 156
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 113). 160
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 102). 162
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 102). 165
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 109). 171
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 106). 175
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'afterPropertiesSet' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 185
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 83). 190
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 111). 204
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 97). 208
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 134). 211
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 139). 213
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 103). 229
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 125). 236
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 130). 238
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getAuthenticationSuccessHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 250
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 114). 260
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setAuthenticationSuccessHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 260
 Error coding HiddenField 'authenticationSuccessHandler' hides a field. 260
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getAuthenticationManager' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 269
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 93). 279
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setAuthenticationManager' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 279
 Error coding HiddenField 'authenticationManager' hides a field. 279


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 99). 22
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). 23
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 34
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 100). 46
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 108). 52
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'createGrantedAuthority' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 54
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 89). 55


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 105). 21
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). 33


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 20
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 88). 23


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 41
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 84). 47
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 119). 48
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 49
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 52
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 91). 54
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 55
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 91). 57
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 58
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 132). 63
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 64
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 124). 66
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 95). 73
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 129). 77
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'doFilter' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 79
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 102). 80
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 118). 86
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 89). 89
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 104). 93
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 97). 104
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 106). 111
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 138). 117
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 110). 119
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 94). 122
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 95). 124
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 84). 125
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). 127
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 113). 131
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 120). 142
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 144
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 109). 158
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setAuthentication' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 158
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). 165
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'afterPropertiesSet' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 167
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 83). 172
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 178
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 94). 184
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'sendUnauthorized' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 184
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getPrincipalFormat' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 204
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setPrincipalFormatEnum' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 214
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setPrincipalFormat' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 224
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 96). 225
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getRoleFormat' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 233
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setRoleFormatEnum' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 243
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setRoleFormat' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 253
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 91). 254
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'isAllowGuestLogin' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 262
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setAllowGuestLogin' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 272
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getProvider' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 281
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setProvider' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 291
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getGrantedAuthorityFactory' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 300
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). 310
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setGrantedAuthorityFactory' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 310
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getDefaultGrantedAuthority' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 319
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setDefaultGrantedAuthority' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 329


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 31
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 84). 34
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 119). 37
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 38
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 101). 46
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 216). 50
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'commence' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 52
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 94). 53
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 84). 54
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 103). 56
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getProvider' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 73
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setProvider' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 83


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 87). 21
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 32
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 116). 39
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 40
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 82). 42
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 43
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 82). 45
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 46
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 49
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 52
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 123). 54
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 55
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 115). 57
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 107). 63
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 141). 67
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'authenticate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 69
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 110). 71
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 114). 72
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 136). 74
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 108). 77
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 90). 78
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 109). 81
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 99). 83
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 97). 85
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 111). 88
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'supports' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 99
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 90). 101
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getPrincipalFormat' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 109
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setPrincipalFormatEnum' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 119
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setPrincipalFormat' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 129
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 96). 130
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getRoleFormat' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 138
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setRoleFormatEnum' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 148
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setRoleFormat' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 158
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 91). 159
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'isAllowGuestLogin' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 167
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setAllowGuestLogin' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 177
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getAuthProvider' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 186
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setAuthProvider' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 196
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getGrantedAuthorityFactory' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 205
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). 215
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setGrantedAuthorityFactory' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 215
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getDefaultGrantedAuthority' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 224
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setDefaultGrantedAuthority' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 234


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 28
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 87). 34
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 113). 37
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 115). 38
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 115). 41
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 105). 42
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 119). 45
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 111). 48
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 103). 49
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 53
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 109). 59
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 139). 71
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 97). 80
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 113). 83
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 116). 86
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 88). 94
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getAuthorities' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 101
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getCredentials' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 109
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getDetails' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 117
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getPrincipal' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 125
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'isAuthenticated' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 133
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). 139
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setAuthenticated' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 141
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 149